
Lived Experiments in Solar Eschatology

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Hey, Ouro here, presenting my first ever print-published piece of fiction: Sky-Out. It’s a stitched-together tapestry of vignettes from the lives of people whose world has suddenly stopped making sense when the sun began to blink. An absurdist take on social collapse in the absence of any actual threat and an examination of the weirdos inhabiting this freshly-minted solar eschaton. Sky-Out is a roughly 33.000 word, 140 page novella available as paperback and as e-book on amazon. But here’s the deal: I hate paywalls, I want all art to be in the commons and I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t make it available for free, so you can just click the link at the bottom of this page to read the entire book without charge, no questions asked. That being said: It would mean a lot if you bought it. Not only because it puts some money in my pockets, but also because I love the idea of people having this on their bookshelves. If you buy this book and we ever meet in person, I will hug you and I will mean it. If you have a bit of cash to spare; please give it to me. If not; don’t worry about it, just click the link and have fun reading. It was a labour of love and I hope you enjoy it!

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